===================================================== = INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE SELF-PRINT MINI LABELS = ===================================================== Have you ever forgotten what chemical you've poured into your spray bottle? When you pour chemicals into smaller spray bottles for portability you can use the SELF-PRINT MINI LABELS to keep track of what chemical is in the bottle. It's a great idea, and may be required by law in some areas. The Self-Print Mini Labels are a Microsoft Word document that will print onto Avery brand label #5163. This is a common label size and should be available from your local office supply store. When printing you will need to determine how to load the labels into your printer to get them printed onto the right side. To do this, simply place a mark on the top of the leading edge of the paper in the printer's paper tray. Then send a small print job to the printer. Look at the paper that came out, and determine which side it printed on in relation to the mark you made small labels you can use for you to be able to print off on your own computer A small version of the product label that you can print off and place on spray bottles or any other time you Spotter sized